Blog Post

John Bolton is the REAL Threat!

Jon Swinn • June 9, 2019

With the worrisome and disappointing appointment of John Bolton as President Trump's National Security Adviser presents an opportunity to shed light on the powers behind Bolton and his connections that will highlight reasons why Bolton has no credibility and is not qualified to determine rationally national security threats or advise anybody on national security as he is a complete willful tool of powerful Zionists and military industrial complex corporations. His historic and repeated inaccurate advice and fear mongering on national security issues poses a REAL threat.

Learn from history or you are doomed to repeat it.

Another sickening dimension to the appointment of John Bolton is the fact that the appointment comes on the same week we mark the 15th anniversary of our Iraq invasion. The very war John Bolton was a notorious cheerleader for. John Bolton was one of the key propagandists who pounded the drums and spewed fake news while serving as George W. Bush’s undersecretary of state for arms control and international security. Bolton declared in 2002: “We are confident that Saddam Hussein has hidden weapons of mass destruction and production facilities in Iraq.”
Other deceptions include claims “There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction,” and “We know where the WMDs are. They’re in the area around Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat.” He falsely insisted that Saddam had conspired with al Qaeda to plot 9/11. A statement that was completely unfounded at the time and no evidence has ever been produced to support the claims.

Bolton and the rest of the neoconservatives were repeatedly warned by skeptical intelligence sources and U.N. weapon inspectors that, in truth, Saddam had nothing — but they didn’t listen.

This is where Bolton's disdain for the UN stems from. The UN weapons inspectors were a thorn in the side of Bolton's psychotic determination to invade Iraq. This led to comments like - if the 38-storey UN building "lost 10 storeys today, it wouldn't make a bit of difference". Another statement he made was “There's an international community that occasionally can be led by the only real power left in the world—and that's the United States—when it suits our interests and when we can get others to go along.” What is also disturbing is the suspicious death of a UN weapons inspector who wouldn't play along with the neo-con agenda, Dr. David Kelly. The Hutton Inquiry concluded the death a suicide. Many skeptics disagree with the conclusion. Kelly probably felt deeply depressed about the invasion of Iraq knowing that they didn't possess WMD's. He probably felt betrayed and his life work and everything he stood for was all for nothing and he felt powerless against the powers that wanted the war. I do think however that no one would be surprised if Bolton and his friends were behind Kelly's death as retaliation for getting in the way of and unwilling to "go along" with their plans. Sending a message to the other weapon inspectors the US is the world's "only real power".

At this time Bolton was US Department of State under-secretary for arms control. During his tenure he was accused of trying to force out two intelligence analysts who disagreed with his agenda and of seeking to undermine his boss, Colin Powell. John Bolton was truly the driving force in the State Department pushing for the war. He was determined to do the bidding of the Zionist powers behind him. For this we can squarely place the responsibility for the Iraq war in his lap. He is responsible for yet never been held accountable for the all the horrific results of the war. All of the death, devastation, destruction, displacement, horrific injuries. He should also in part be held financial responsible for the $3 trillion expense that has been put on the backs of the American people.
After he completed his task as under-secretary, assisting to create the war in Iraq George W Bush appointed him as Ambassador to the UN bypassing the Senate. In his work in the Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush administrations, Bolton gained a reputation for being the right’s most effective and strident opponent of the United Nations and all forms of global governance and international law not controlled by the U.S. government. As Ambassador to the UN, Bolton abused his influence and power of the US to bully other countries into falling in line in support of the neoconservative plans for the world. One western ambassador said of Bolton “Instinctively, he's a bully, He has succeeded in putting almost everyone's back up, even among America's closest allies.”

"the claim that the Iraqi government under Saddam Hussein had so-called weapons of mass destruction, specifically chemical weapons, maybe biological weapons, something else, that was a big part of the justification for mobilizing support for war. There was a fear that if there were actual weapons inspectors sent into Iraq to find out, they would find out that in fact there were no viable weapons of mass destruction, that it was all based on lies. And one of the things that was the responsibility of John Bolton was to orchestrate the ouster of Jose Bustani, who was a Brazilian diplomat who was at the time the chief of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. And in that context he would have been responsible, he was already negotiating with Saddam Hussein about sending in a whole team of weapons inspectors. This is when Iraq was talking about wanting to join the Chemical Weapons Treaty. To do that he would have had to submit a whole country to massively intrusive inspections. That was not in Washington's interests because it would have proved that there were in fact no weapons of mass destruction. So the work went on, led by John Bolton, to get him out, and have him replaced by somebody who would who would respond to the U.S. need to keep the inspectors out of Iraq. And Bolton went directly. This came out publicly some years later. The New York Times and others wrote about it. Bolton went to the office of Bustani and said, you've got 24 hours to resign, or else. And if you don't there will be consequences. And Bustani refused. This is only 11 months after he had just been reinstated, you know, voted in for a second term by a unanimous vote. 145 members of the treaty. And when he refused to step down Bolton orchestrated a move to vote him out. It had never happened before. He was voted out and replaced by someone who was far more willing to abide by Washington's dictates. So he played a very key role in setting the stage very directly for the Iraq war. And that was even before he was the ambassador to the United Nations, the other roles that he's played. So for years he has been pushing for war rather than diplomacy. He wanted war against Iraq. He wants and wanted war against Iran. He wanted and wants war against North Korea. There has never been a an arms treaty or a negotiating process that he didn't want to get rid of and replace it with a direct military assault in the interest of Israel, in some cases, in the interests of the right wing views in the United States in other circumstances. But he has always supported war and opposed diplomacy" - Phyllis Bennis

Not even an apology!

“I still think the decision to overthrow Saddam was correct …. You can’t assume if he had stayed in power, sweetness and light would prevail in the Middle East today.” - John Bolton

Bolton has doubled down on the decision to invade Iraq. Now people will say he's delusion, ignorant or stubborn and doesn't want to admit he was wrong. He always knew he was wrong about WMD's. He was part of fabricating the false narrative to justify the invasion. Bolton doesn't care about facts or reality. The ends justify the means is Bolton's philosophy. That is why he is unapologetic.

Fighting Terror or Creating Terror

Iraq has suffered sustained terror and it has largely been inflicted by US forces but destabilization has created circumstances in the region that has allowed the rise of ISIL. I believe this has all been part of a grand design known as the Greater Israel or Oded Yinon plan. Whether you believe that or not there were no ISIL fighters in Iraq before the US invasion and the destabilization of Syria wouldn't have been possible if it was not for the vacuum left in Iraq which has also led to the situation of the rise of Iranian Shia militias in the region which I believe will lead to continued sustained conflict. Anyway, I don't want to get deeper into this on here. It deserves its own detailed blog post. The point is the US invasion of Iraq was ineffective against terrorism and created the circumstances for terror groups to thrive. So from the perspective of assessing John Bolton's job, he's done the worst possible job. On the other hand he did an exceptional job for his networks long term goal. That is why he is back! To get the next phase started.

Below are some quotes that better illustrate my viewpoint of the plan for Greater Israel and explain why the situation in the middle-east is all part of a larger plan.

“The only prospect that holds hope for us is the carving up of Syria… It is our task to prepare for that prospect. All else is a purposeless waste of time.”
—Zionist militant Zeév Jabotinsky, From “We and Turkey” in Di Tribune, November 30, 1915
“We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Muslim regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan, and Syria will fall to us.”
—David Ben-Gurion, From Ben-Gurion, A Biography by Michael Ben-Zohar, May 1948
“It is obvious that the above military assumptions, and the whole plan too, depend also on the Arabs continuing to be even more divided than they are now, and on the lack of any truly mass movement among them… Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking Iraq up into denominations as in Syria and Lebanon… Syria will fall apart.” —Oded Yinon, 1982. From The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

“As far as Israel is concerned, it would be difficult to imagine a more convenient scenario. Its stubborn enemies, Iran and Syria, are now being accused by the international community, one for its nuclear program, the other for its behavior in Lebanon… Israel has hoped for this outcome since the 9/11 terror attacks in the United States in 2001. Immediately after the collapse of the Twin Towers, Israeli officials began to speak about the anticipated change, and expressed a hope that the United States would bring order to the region, and would deal with Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and not only Iraq.”
—Aluf Benn, Haaretz, October 25, 2005
“Regime change is, of course, our goal both in Lebanon and Syria. We wrote long ago that there are three ways to achieve it- the dictator chooses to change; he falls before his own unhappy people; or if he poses a threat to the outside, the outside takes him out…”
—Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), From strategy paper #474, Priorities in Lebanon & Syria , March 2, 2005

John Bolton has been a major player pushing JINSA's strategy

"The United Nations has passed strong resolutions against terror. Now the United Nations must act, and Syria and its leaders must be held accountable for their continuing support of terrorism, including any involvement in the murder of Prime Minister Hariri," - George W. Bush

UNCII accused Syrian President Bashir Al Assad of involvement of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri’s murder using bribed witnesses as evidence.

Several of the UNIIIC’s prime witnesses have admitted to perjury, accusing the US-Israeli backed Lebanese government of bribery and foul play. Witness Hussam Taher Hussam claimed Future Movement MP Saad Hariri (son of former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri) offered him $1.3m USD to incriminate top Syrian officials. Witness Ibrahim Michel Jarjoura said he was assaulted and forced to lie by Lebanese Telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamade. Star witness Zuhir Ibn Mohamed Said Saddik, who had accused Lebanese President Emile Lahoud and Syrian President Bashar Assad of ordering Hariri’s murder, bragged of earning millions by falsely testifying to the UN Commission. Though much of their discredited testimony is still included as evidence, both UNIIIC prosecutors Brammertz and Mehlis said that the use of lie detector tests was not an option.

In his country, Mehlis has been rebuked for unethical and unprofessional practises. According to Germany’s Junge Welt magazine, former UN investigator Detlev Mehlis received a $10m USD slush fund to rig the UNIIIC outcome against Syria. An inquiry by German public TV Zweites Deutsche Fernsehen found that Mehlis had relied on CIA, MI6 and Mossad intelligence in prior investigations, namely the Berlin Disco bombing of the 1980s where Mehlis knowingly used testimony supplied by Arab Mossad agent Mohammad Al Amayra in his case against Libya. Mehlis also relied on NSA intercepts of fake telephone calls that former Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky revealed were made by Mossad agents, posing as Arab terrorists. The phone calls were used to frame Libya and be used as an excuse to justify America’s bombing of Libya in 1986. -for the full article by Trish Schuh
The plan to destabilise Syria has been a long term plan of the powerful Jewish leadership and their networks.

Bolton and Trump

During my research on the mechanisms behind Donald Trump's presidential campaign I discovered that it was John Bolton who first came out in support of Trump. He said of Trump he says "a lot of the right things when it comes to foreign policy" in the Breitbart News interview when he first backed Trump. This was a very worrying thing to hear coming from John Bolton.

John Bolton's SuperPAC played a significant role as it acted as a conduit for Billionaire Trump donor Robert Mercer to finance the Trump campaign and Cambridge Analytica. John Bolton was also the chairman of Gatestone Institute where Mercer's daughter Rebekah sits on the board of directors.

I found on John Bolton's facebook these political propaganda posts fear mongering North Korea and Iran before all of this hype up began in the Trump's presidency began. Then when I looked into the finances behind Trump's campaign and found out John Bolton's SuperPAC money sponsored Trump. The SuperPAC was heavily funded by Robert Mercer who just happens to be the man behind Cambridge Analytica and a financier of Breitbart News and Council for National Policy, a semi-secret closed door council of powerful members of the right-wing of which John Bolton is a member.

note - The Council for National Policy (CNP) is a nexus point of control for wealthy donors of the right wing that creates a dominant right wing network that utilizes its connections to carry out their agendas while maintaining control of a wide range of political influence using think tanks and every medium of media.

John Bolton Speaking at CPAC 2017 about his PAC's and references Cambridge Analytica

Major players in this group include the DeVos family which Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, is a member of. Betsy DeVos, Price’s sister, is the current education secretary in the Trump Administration. Blackwater landed huge contracts for private security work in Iraq. Prince has gone on to start another private security ventures with Frontier Service Group that also has linked to Cambridge Analytica through deputy chairman Johnson Ko Chun Shun who sits on the Emerdata board with Alexander Nix the chief executive of CA.

Prince also advocated the use of private military forces to get around bureaucracy like rules of engagement on the battlefield in an interview with Stefan Molyneux. Plans to privatize the Afghan war have been proposed by two businessmen with ties to the White House. The issue has become a linchpin of the debate around the strategy moving forward. Prince is proposing to send private contractors to Afghanistan instead of U.S. troops, and have the entire operation overseen by a “viceroy.” The billionaire investor Stephen Feinberg has also submitted a proposal using contractors. Both have met with top administration officials on the matter.

Trump has rejected the proposals for troop increases in Afghanistan that are favored by his generals, Defense Secretary James Mattis and former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster. This disagreement with Masters may have been a reason for replacing him with Bolton. The replacement looks to be very favorable to the Prince and Feinberg proposals considering the connections both Bolton and Trump have to Prince.


Let us imagine a world where the official government story of 9/11 is correct. John Bolton was Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security at the time.
In this capacity, it was part of his job to attend and participate in a key role in the National Security Council. He was also in a key position under Colin Powell as mentioned earlier. The complete failure to address warnings surrounding the events leading up to 9/11 shows at best complete incompetence.

By May of 2001, says Cofer Black, then chief of the CIA’s counter-terrorism center, “it was very evident that we were going to be struck, we were gonna be struck hard and lots of Americans were going to die.” “There were real plots being manifested,” Cofer’s former boss, George Tenet, told me in his first interview in eight years. “The world felt like it was on the edge of eruption. In this time period of June and July, the threat continues to rise. Terrorists were disappearing [as if in hiding, in preparation for an attack]. Camps were closing. Threat reportings on the rise.” The crisis came to a head on July 10. The critical meeting that took place that day was first reported by Bob Woodward in 2006. Tenet also wrote about it in general terms in his 2007 memoir At the Center of the Storm .
The drama of failed warnings began when Tenet and Black pitched a plan, in the spring of 2001, called “the Blue Sky paper” to Bush’s new national security team. It called for a covert CIA and military campaign to end the Al Qaeda threat—“getting into the Afghan sanctuary, launching a paramilitary operation, creating a bridge with Uzbekistan.” “And the word back,” says Tenet, “‘was ‘we’re not quite ready to consider this. We don’t want the clock to start ticking.’” (Translation: they did not want a paper trail to show that they’d been warned.) -

The sinister role Bolton has played in lying about Iraq having WMD's and links to Al Qaeda really helped the Bush Administration's narratives and excuses in carrying out the agenda of the powers behind them. No one involved in the upper echelons of the Bush Administration or anyone part of the National Security Council at that time can be trusted in any important position in politics.

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