Republican Jewish Coalition
Larry is the Director of The Republican Jewish Coalition. The RJC Is "a big money pro-Israel lobby group linking
Jewish-American neoconservatives to the Christian Right and Israel's
Likud government. The organisation was originally founded in 1985 by Max
Fisher (Mega Jew) as the National Jewish Coalition "to be a permanent
Jewish presence in the Republican community and a credible Republican
presence in the Jewish community," its website states. The RJC is "the
sole voice of Jewish Republicans to Republican decision makers and the
Jewish community. The group are committed to building a strong,
effective and respected Jewish Republican voice in Washington and across
the country." So essentially the RJC was set up by wealthy Jewish
Republican donors to control the views, opinions and narratives of
Jewish Republicans across the entire United States from the top down
consolidating the power of the Jewish lobby.
group has supported a hard-line approach to negotiating an
Israeli-Palestinian peace accord, criticising President Clinton for
"appeasing Chairman Arafat" instead of requiring "responsibility and
compliance from the Palestinian Authority." Allied with Israel's Likud
government, the group supported the construction of the controversial
Har Homa settlement in East Jerusalem, over Palestinian objections that
the project jeopardised the peace process. It also supports continued
American military support of Israel, including the Iron Dome and David's
Sling an anti-ballistic missile system projects. On
the domestic front, the RJC supports school choice and voucher
initiatives (which Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is in the process of
implementing in the Trump administration.), saying they help curb the
"risk of assimilation" for some Jews living in the United States. "By
lessening the financial burdens, vouchers would make a Jewish education
available to the entire Jewish community," reads one position paper. The
group has supported welfare reform, lowering the estate and capital
gains taxes, voluntary prayer by student groups in public school, the
legal right to perform abortions, as well as tougher crime laws,
including a California-style "three strikes" laws for some federal
'Thrilled' with Trump
chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition said its members are
“thrilled” about the performance of President Donald Trump, especially
with his approach to the Middle East.
think they’re feeling thrilled,” said former Minnesota Sen. Norm
Coleman in an interview at the annual RJC leadership conference held at
the Sheldon Adelson owned Venetian/Palazzo Hotel in Las Vegas.
The Mizel Museum
Mizel Museum is a
Jewish museum based in Denver. The museum was founded by Larry Mizel
using his ill-gotten gains to fund the project. The museum caught my eye
as it incorporates Contemporary Jewish culture and Holocaust propaganda
with the Civil Rights Movement. Both of the latter "issues" paint a
particular people out as oppressors. A skill that Jewish leadership have
mastered largely to disguise their groups own criminality and to vilify
people who oppose their tyrannical behaviour, manipulations and mass
murder, whether it be the corrupt fiat currency faux capitalism system
or bolshevik tyranny.
It was Leonard Dinnerstein who sounded the alarm bells in Montreal about alleged African-American anti-Semitism in the United States, and ever since that time, he has been a fixture at ADL forums across America. The post-Montreal campaign has opened a floodgate o{ propaganda against Nation of Islam (NOI) Minister Louis Farrakhan.
note - You can check out The Antedote podcast on Youtube here for more in depth discussion on the subject.
Another piece of the Mizel Institute's propaganda infrastructure is The CELL or `Counter-Terrorism Educational Learning Lab’..
The facility, as you may have guessed, consists of exhibits on the
subject of terrorism through a Jewish filter. Very specific exhibits are
selected as you would imagine. The bombing of the King David Hotel, for
instance, is not featured, The same goes for all the bombing of
Palestinians, Bolshevik Red Terror.
The CELL is the haunted house themepark ride of terrorist propaganda exhibitions. It is set up in such a way that visitors go through one `cell’ or room
at a time where visitor are locked in and bombarded by a series of multimedia
presentations until
a door to the next one
mysteriously opens. Each room or 'cell' exhibits one multimedia assault
after another. Every room has 15 or 20 computer screens, mostly
featuring images of Palestinian
and Lebanese (Hezbollah) fighters and quotes from Obama Bin Laden and
Hasan Nasrallah. This trauma inducing experience is culminated with a
simulated `terrorist bomb explosion’
which is meant to scare the crap out of the visitors.
CELL is a propaganda monument to perpetual war-making for the benefit
of Israel and war profiteers that are all working together to fulfil
each others agendas.
Mizel's plan controversial plan for Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem.
fascination with Jerusalem amoung this Zionist elite comes to light
again. In this instance it isn't funding the construction of Jewish
settlements in the Arab quarter or constructing an embassy. No,this particular controversy surrounds the building of a
Museum of Tolerance on a Muslim cemetery.
“Although the story has not created outrage in the Muslim world, it
will remain an open sore in the fabric of the city, and it will make the
possibility of peace and tolerance in Jerusalem much harder for a long
time to come.”
According to the museum’s literature, the Jerusalem project seeks to
promote `unity and respect’ among Jews and between people of all
faiths’. Sounds promising at first, but when asked if the `tolerance’
the museum hopes to promote would include Palestinians, Mizel's righthand man Rabbi Marvin
Hier responded that the museum is `not about the experience of the
Palestinian people; when they have a state, they’ll have their own
museum’. I take it Rabbi Hier doesn't have much tolerance for Palestinians.
The project had been controversial from the
outset as it was planned to be built on the grounds of the Mamilla
Cemetery, at least 1000 years old, which includes the remains of Moslems
who fought against the Crusaders in the 12th and 13th centuries, as
well as those of Moslem scholars from the 15th century onwards. Some
reports suggest the cemetery is even older, perhaps 1500 years and the
remains of friends of the Prophet Mohamed are buried at the site. The museum
authorities come up with a fountain of excuses as to why it’s not a
`big deal’ to build their tolerant museum on the bones of holy
men and scholars.
Despite Palestinian and Islamic opposition to the project from the
outset, Wiesenthal’s Rabbi Marvin Hier pressed on with the project. When
the project was first announced in 2001, it triggered angry responses
from Muslim leaders who warned that there was no way the museum could be
built without dis-interring graves, but their concerns were ignored
until 2006 when it was reported that dozens of skeletons had already
been unearthed during early excavations. Israeli archeologists were
hoping to secretly move the skeletons, many of which had been damaged,
without alerting Muslim authorities.
In 2008, the issue went before the Israeli Supreme Court which
authorized the construction project. In response, Jerusalem’s mufti,
Sheikh Mohammed Hussein, called the museum’s building ‘an act of
aggression’ against the Muslim public. He added `how can a museum
carrying the name of `tolerance’ be built on a graveyard.
Hier responded – giving a sense of what he means by `tolerance’
by dismissing Arab objections as cover for ‘a land grab by Islamic
fundamentalists, who are in co-operation with Hamas’ using a
psychological projection technique and smearing of a entire group of
people. This hardly qualifies Rabbi Hier as someone who should be
involved in this project judging by the title,
Many have joined in opposition to the museum, along with a group of leading British
architects who signed a petition condemning the proposed museum as a
`blow to peaceful co-existence’. The Central Conference of American Rabbis, an umbrella group
representing some 1500 Reform rabbis, urged the Wiesenthal Center to
`find an alternative location to the three-acre site in downtown Western
`There is something profoundly disturbing about the idea of putting a
Jewish Museum of Tolerance on a plot of land where Muslims have been
burying their dead for most of the last 800 years’ wrote Rabbi Eric
Yoffie, president of the Union of Reform Judaism’
Also opposing the project were Revner Rivkin, Likud speaker of the
Knesset and former Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Meron Benvenisti who
denounced the Museum of Tolerance as `so hallucinating, so irrelevant,
so foreign, so megalomanic’. Even many mainstream Israelis are opposed. They question a
museum conceived, financed and designed by Americans.
Simon Wiesenthal Center
is one of the early supporters of the Simon Wiesenthal Center since
it's founding in 1977. Serving as the international chairman of the
board of trustees since 2003,
has helped spearhead the direction of the SWC. Major focus has been put
on anti-German and anti-European propaganda. This is all part of the
ever prevalent indoctrination of 'White Guilt' brainwashing agenda. This
serves multiple purposes for the Jewish lobby of which Mizel is a key
player of. One purpose is the attempt to associate people who are
exposing the criminality and corruption of the Jewish lobby with this
racist caricature of a 'Nazi' that SWC have been instrumental in
creating through propaganda and hysteria.
purpose is to hide historic crimes that Jewish people have been
responsible for such as the Holodomor, Bolshevik Revolution and
prominent involvement in the many different slave trades around the
world. There are also many other purposes as it pertains to Jewish
culture as well.
Rabbi Marvin Hier
SWC is headed by Rabbi Marvin Hier, its Dean and Founder financed by
Larry Mizel. The two are close friends. Hier works as a front man and
public figure for Mizel's and other wealthy Zionists, pushing their
causes and moving forward their overall agenda.
Rabbi Marvin Hier speaking at Donald Trump's inauguration.
Funding the Zionist and Orthodox Jew Infrastructure
Larry Mizel and his wife
Carol move their philanthropy through several charitable vehicles. The
Flora and Morris Mizel Foundation I and the Flora and Morris Mizel
Foundation II and Mizel
Global Cultural Fund are the 'philanthropy' funding arms of the Mizels.
Mizels are strong supporters of segregated Jewish education. A grant by
Mizel and
his brother Steve to Heritage Academy in Tulsa renamed the school the
Flo and Morris Mizel Jewish Community Day School in honor of their
parents. The school is the
only Jewish Day School in Oklahoma. Via their charities, the couple has
also supported Yeshiva Toras Chaim in Denver, Hillel of
Colorado, American Friends Of Yeshiva High School Of Kiryat Arba, and
Temple Sinai Preschool, among others.
Mizels have also steadily
supported American Israel Education Foundation, which "provides grants
to support select Jewish educational programs including Middle East
educational materials and conferences, and leadership programs for
university students." This is an investment into building and
maintaining critical future infrastructure for the Zionist system and
keep people like Mizel in power.
Mizel has also supported youth outfits like
BBYO (formerly B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, now BBYO INC) the
"leading pluralistic teen movement aspiring to involve more
Jewish teens in more meaningful Jewish experiences." Gary P. Saltzman
was a major figure within the BBYO. He is from Colorado like Mizel and
is the current head of B'nai B'rith.
The Mizels also support Jewish religious outfits like Beth El
Synagogue in Long Beach, CA, BMH-BJ Congregation in Denver (Rabbi Stanley Wagner),
Congregation Borov, Aish Denver and Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los